Meanwhile it is too cold in the garage to work on the bike. Therefore I set-up again a working place in the warm cellar. I'm assembling the transmission case currently.

With a lot of patience I adjust the end play of the main shaft. With these old boxes - where not everything is according to the manual anymore - it is a bit tricky. Yes, I could replace all parts with new ones - No, I don't have that much money available. We will see during operation, if everything was assembled and adjusted correctly. Maybe only one advance gear is working properly, but I might have two revers gears instead?

Before assembling the transmission case, I had to replace the counter shaft bushing and the tripper bolts. Wasn't an easy job - I had to use special tools to release the bolts.

I have overhauled the clutch release lever a few months ago already. Arno, a very helpful colleague, manufactured new bushings and screws for it.

The paint shop called in - fenders and tank parts are done! It is always a good feeling to see, that the colors turned out exactly as desired.

In December I will coat the inner side of the fenders with an special protecting wax. Until then the painted parts are carefully wrapped in textile and stored in the cellar.
Before I mount the engine and transmission case into the frame, I need to construct a working platform for the further work to have the bike on a comfortable working height. Based on a motorbike lifter, parts of my motorbike trailer and with some ropes I fixed the frame.

For fixing the front spark plug cable I made a clamp by myself. Looks not too bad.

Slowly it is possible to recognize a motorbike. I'm getting more and more confident to bring the project to a good end, knowing that definitely there will pop up a few surprises in the upcoming weeks.
two-tone painted parts - just picked up from the paint shop
Dark green and creme - inspired by the old British cars
Complete assembled engine within the frame
Complete assembled engine within the frame
Complete assembled engine within the frame
Complete assembled engine within the frame
Complete assembled engine within the frame
Transmission case with clutch gear
Transmission case with clutch release lever
Transmission case with starter crank spring
Engine - front view
Home-made clamp for front spark plug cable